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Replace all keys after a software upgrade

Enter the following information:

The HW Address can be uppercase or lowercase.

This field can be copied (cut-and-paste) from the WebPMT PRINTER DEFAULTS screen.

*The Key Install Key (KIK) changes each time the printer is rebooted. Be sure that the KIK value is current and do not reboot the printer before the feature job is submitted.
*The KIK characters can be uppercase or lowercase.
*This field can be copied (cut-and-paste) from the WebPMT PRINTER DEFAULTS screen.

HW Address

Example Advanced Network HW Address values: 00:00:aa:59:12:34, 00:0f:1f:e4:0d:9e
Example Scanner HW Address value: 26:01:00:12:34:56
Example IOT HW Address value: 00:01:02:03:04:05

Key Install Key

Example value: 012-34-567-89a-bc-def


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